Review: An imp-revised history of the world

When: Every night at 8pm
Where: Bar Bados Complex (Venue 32) 

Ben's review:

Some would think that to do a show about history one would have a passing acquaintance with history itself. This is unfortunately not the case for this particular show. A sour taste is left in the mouth of any wannabe historian when relatively famous figures are misinterpreted or even at times entirely forgotten. Funny more for its failings than any intended punnery.

The girlfriend's review: 

If you're going to do a show with this name then it is probably a good idea to make sure that your cast have some grasp of British history. I felt like I was watching children playing games, the acting was so awkward and weak. They were all weak singers (I was laughing in pain for my ears at some points). Don't waste your time on this one. 


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