Review: How to Win Against History

When: 18th-27th August at 19:25
Where: Assembly George Square Gardens (Venue 3)

Ben's review:


This show will not be winning anything anytime soon. For one the title is completely misleading there is no history in this show if you go in expecting a musical romp through the jurassic era culminating in a victorian garden party then you will be very let down (not bitter ).
The show relies heavily for any laugh on an over characterisation of certain segments of society that only drives a bigger wedge between different backgrounds and has the very disappointing ending message of don't be yourself.
Add this to a very poor vocal performance, some sloppy writing and choreography that was basic at its best.
A positive... erm... well if the desired effect was to show that the lead character couldn't act then they certainly succeeded.
Plus overran by 15 minutes.

The Girlfriend's review:


I feel like I was missing something here as I just didn't get it. I'm not opposed to actors playing multiple roles or shows that don't take themselves too seriously but  I just couldn't engage with this performance at all. It wasn't funny, the singing was poor and the plot just wasn't engaging. They were also insulting to certain members of society.


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